If you’re looking for a weekend getaway almost nothing on Kyushu can beat Itoshima. No stop in Itoshima is ever complete without checking out Thalia Coffee Roasters

It surprised me to learn that Thalia has been doing business in Itoshima since 2019.


Momoko checking out the menu

Inside Thalia there is a ton of seating for eating and maybe getting a little work done via Laptop with free wifi.

My personal favorite is the Almost Toast set. I actually like the Almond toast so much I opted for two slices versus one. I then upgrade the drink to a Coffee Shake!

Momoko always gets the Pancake Set. This consists of Packages, Ice Cream, Whip Cream and Syrup. She then opts for the banana milk shake.

The coffee changes daily but you can taste the range of flavors at the taste bar.

Thalia has a large selections of coffees, coffee cups and even surf gear for purchase.

The day Momo and I went by there was a group of dudes on Harleys from the Club “The Wolf Cubs

Thalia also had a Mini Ramp for your skateboarding pleasures. I also learned that they rent bicycles, surfboards and have water jug filling service as well.

It also appears that maybe a Hot Dog company named “Pitbull Deli” has opened in the Parking lot???

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